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At Hawley Primary School, assessment is completed in multiple ways using both formative and summative approaches. This allows us to monitor the childrens' learning on a daily basis as well as at the end of every half-term and end of the academic year.

What testing takes place at our school?

The Reception Baseline Assessment: The RBA is an age-appropriate assessment of early mathematics and early literacy, communication and language. It is delivered in English and is administered within the first six weeks of a pupil starting reception. The assessment has two components, each consisting of practical tasks using physical resources. There is an online scoring system for the practitioner to use as the pupil engages with the tasks. DfE will use the data from the RBA to create school-level progress measures for primary schools, which will show the progress of pupils from reception until the end of key stage 2. Results for individual children or schools are not published. (

Phonics screening takes place at the end of Year 1 to check their ability to decode words. Children complete the screening again in Year 2 if they don't reach the expected standard in Year 2.

Year 4 children take part in the Multiplication Tables Check in the Summer term. This is completed online and tests recall of times tables up to 12 x 12. 

Statutory Assessment Tests at the end of Year 6 (KS2) take place as a measure against the national benchmark. Tests in Reading, Mathematics and Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation are marked externally. Teacher Assessment is submitted for writing.

What are we doing at Hawley Primary School?

Teachers use AfL (Assessment for Learning) in every lesson to provide scaffolds, make adjustments to teaching and inform future learning. Reading, Writing and Maths attainment against the National Curriculum objectives are tracked on Arbor (our online assessment tracking programme) and teaching groups planned accordingly. This may be in the form of in-class groupings or out-of-class intervention. 

Learning in all subjects is assessed summatively each half-term. This is recorded using the terms:-

  • Working towards age-related expectations: Developing (D)
  • Working at age-related expectations: Secure (S)
  • Working above age-related expectations: Mastery (M) or sometimes teachers may refer to them working at 'Greater Depth' (GDS)

Teachers report on your child’s progress through Parent Consultation evenings and a written End of Year Record of Achievement.